Serving the Business Basic market best |
Language |
Features that differentiate PxPLUS
- Full Windows development environment
- Includes the GUI development environment Nomads II.
- Extended debugging capabilities (Windows only)
- Gui objects
- Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
- Provides read/write ODBC access to other databases (ORACLE, INFORMIX, etc)
- Multimedia (sound & video)
- Pictures, images
- Full platform independence
- from Windows to DOS to Unix etc..
Enhanced Business Basic language
- Interface to TCP/IP services
- Multi-line IF/THEN/ELSE statements
- Logical statement labels
- LOCAL variables
- Multiple program entry points
- and much more...
Easy to implement mouse support for DOS and Windows
- context and position sensitive mouse processing
Application security
- 'Removable' Password security on programs
- Copy protection for dealer applications guarantees end-users pay for each copy they use
Enhanced Input handling
- Input is fully editable using edit keys and mouse
- Fully programmable function keys
- Support for multi-lingual keyboards
- Hot-key support
- Built-in HELP and Query systems
- Full Screen Editor (mouse compatible)
Enhanced file system
- Network caching enhances file access speed
- easy to install WITHOUT server reconfiguration
- Variable length records
- speeds up disk access by improving cache hits
- Multi-keyed files with external key
- Direct access to C-ISAM files
- Memory resident DIRECT files
- User definable field seperator
Dynamic Device Drivers for printers and terminals
- Easy to customize (drivers are Business Basic programs)
- Automatic termcap to PxPLUS Driver conversion (Unix)
- Raw & intelligent interface to Windows Spooled printers
Imbedded data dictionary on data files
- Includes utility to maintain global data dictionary
- Data dictionary information maintained on data file
Customizable language syntax tables
- Program can be displayed in 'native' language
Conversion tools provided for Business Basic systems
- BBx, Thoroughbred, MAI, and Rexon